In the academic 2024/2025, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac and Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac enroll students in doctoral academic studies in the study program:
BIOENGINEERING (180 ECTS) in Serbian and English
Total number of students: 20
Number of self-financing students: 20
Doctoral academic studies "Bioengineering" are interdisciplinary studies of the third degree for the scientific title of PhD in Biomedical Engineering, which are realized during three academic years or six semesters (180 ECTS).
Terms of enrollment:
All candidates who fulfil the requirements and are ranked within the total number for which the call has been announced have the right to enrol.
The first year of doctoral academic studies can be enrolled by:
- a person with completed academic studies of at least 300 ECTS at previous study levels in the fields of technical and technological sciences, natural and mathematical sciences, or medical sciences with a total GPA of at least 8 (eight).
- a person who has acquired higher education in bachelor studies at the faculty for at least four years with a GPA of at least 8 (eight) acquired according to regulations valid until the day of entry into force of the Law on Higher Education ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 76 / 05, 100/07 - authentic interpretation, 97/08, 44/10, 93/12, 89/13, 99/14, 45/15 - authentic interpretation, 68/15 and 87/16), in the field of technical and technological sciences, natural and mathematical sciences or medical sciences.
In order to enroll in the third degree studies, the candidate must have previous higher education degrees acquired at a higher education institution that, at the time of the candidate’s enrollment in first- and second-degree studies, had a work permit to conduct a study program.
Persons with a GPA of less than 8 (eight) can enroll in the study program of the doctoral academic studies only as self-financing students and provided that they have scientific papers in the field of studies or if they pass the qualifying exam. A special ranking list is formed for these persons and they are ranked within the total number of students in accordance with the work permit, but after the candidates who meet the general condition in terms of GPA.
Criteria for determining the order of candidates
The order of candidates for enrollment in the first year of doctoral studies is determined based on:
- GPA obtained during the studies
- duration of studying.
* For candidates who have acquired higher education according to the regulations that were valid until the entry into force of the Law on Higher Education ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 76/05, 100/07 - authentic interpretation, 97/08, 44/10, 93/12, 89/13, 99/14, 45/15 - authentic interpretation, 68/15 and 87/16) (hereinafter: the Law), the average grade from bachelor studies which includes the thesis (if any) is taken into account.
* For candidates who have completed master academic studies, the average of all grades of bachelor and master academic studies is calculated, taking into account both the final and graduate thesis, if there are corresponding grades for them
- If two or more candidates have the same number of points based on the defined criterion, the advantage will be given to the candidate who has a higher average grade achieved in studies, i.e. a higher number of ECTS credits.
- Numerical evaluation of the criteria for determining the order of candidates is performed as follows:
1. average grade is equal to the number of points (average grade 10 carries 10 points)
2. the estimated term of study is divided by the length of the actual study and multiplied by ten (6/6*10= 10).
Total number of points = GPA + (prescribed duration for completing the studies/actual duration of studying) x 10

The given example is for the candidate who has:
- GPA 8.75
- years of study 8
- The total number of points cannot exceed 20.
The order of candidates for enrollment in the first year of doctoral academic studies is determined based on the total number of points.
The Enrollment Committee forms the ranking list of registered candidates.
The Enrollment Committee may conduct an entrance test before publishing the final ranking list, if necessary.
Enrollment in the study program is determined by the number of available positions and the position of the candidate on the ranking list.
Deadline for the call for enrollment
Applications for the call for enrollment of students in doctoral academic studies are accepted from October 14, 2024, to October 25th, 2024, from 11 am to 1 pm at the Student Affairs Service at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, or by post mail to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac at the address 6 Sestre Janjić Street, 34 000 Kragujevac.
The Application Form for the call for enrollments can be found at the premises of the Student Affairs Service.
Tuition fee
The tuition fee amount is RSD 150,000.00.
The tuition fee amount for foreign citizens who attend classes in the Serbian language is EUR 2,700.00 and foreign citizens who take classes in English is EUR 4,000.00 converted to RSD using the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) on the day of payment.
Documentation to be submitted by the candidate when applying
- application form (the form can be downloaded from the faculty’s website)
- certified photocopy of the diploma or certificate of completion of the previous level of studies and supplement to diploma or certificate of passed exams (if studies are completed outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to submit a verified/recognized diploma or proof that procedure of the verification of the document’s authenticity/recognition of foreign qualification was initiated at the University of Kragujevac
- printed information from the read ID card or photocopy of ID card,
- proof of payment of the costs of the call for enrollment in the amount of EUR 150,00 (converted to RSD using the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) on the day of payment) to the bank account of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, address 6 Sestre Janjić Street, 34000 Kragujevac. The bank account of the Faculty of Engineering is 840-7400760-81, with reference number 301.
All documents must be submitted as the original or a certified copy.
Method and deadline for submitting complaints to the determined order of candidates
- The candidate can file an complaint to the preliminary ranking list within 24 hours from the publication of the ranking list.
- The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac make a decision on the complaint within 24 hours from the submission of the objection.
- The decision of the dean on the complaint of the candidate to the preliminary ranking list is final.
- The final ranking list of the candidates will be published on the bulletin board and website of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kragujevac.
Documentation to be submitted by candidates who exercise the right to enroll:
- two completed forms ŠV-20
- two 3.5x4.5cm (1.38x1.78in) photos
- a photocopy of the birth certificate
- proof of payment of tuition fees