Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The study program of the master's academic studies in Electrical Engineering and Computing is accredited by the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Republic of Serbia bpoj: 612-00-01749 / 2019-06 from October 29, 2019.

The study program lasts one year (60 ECTS), belongs to the field of technical and technological sciences and gives the academic title "Master of Electrical Engineering and Computing".

The conditions for enrollment in the study program and other most important elements of the study program and study regime are prescribed by the Statute and the Rulebook on the regime of basic and master studies of the Faculty of Engineering.

In addition to taking the exam, the realization of professional practice is also planned, as well as the preparation of a master's thesis.

A list of subjects is given in the Student Guide, and a more detailed description is available in the Course Book.

Upon completion of the master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computing, the expected learning outcomes are:

  • mastering methods and tools for analysis, synthesis and design of electronic and computer systems as well as other specialized computer tools and programs,
  • mastery of specific knowledge and skills acquired through study research work, work on project tasks and professional practice,
  • acquiring the skill of solving complex problems in an innovative way that contributes to the development in the field of electrical engineering and computing,
  • acquiring the skill of applying complex methods, instruments and devices relevant to the field of electrical engineering and computing,
  • acquiring the ability of entrepreneurial activity and independent work with full responsibility on the most complex projects,
  • acquiring the ability to plan and implement scientific and / or applied research, which means taking into account economic, environmental, organizational and social relations.

Contact Information

Faculty of Engineering          University of Kragujevac

Sestre Janjić street, no. 6 - 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

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