Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The study programme of bachelor academic studies in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac belongs to the field of technical and technological sciences, it lasts four years; that is, eight semesters and is worth a total of 240 ECTS. The first three years, i.e. the first six semesters, are the same for all students of this study programme. Each of the first six semesters contains courses that are collectively worth 30 ECTS, while the seventh and eighth semesters carry 28 ECTS and 32 ECTS, respectively. The study programme contains two elective areas (modules) that are chosen when enrolling in the seventh semester, namely:

  • Electronics and computer engineering (ECE), upon completion of which the academic title of graduate engineer of electrical engineering and computer science - electronics and computer engineering is obtained, and
  • Software engineering (SE), upon completion of which the academic title of graduate engineer of electrical engineering and computer science - software engineering is obtained.

Students of both modules are offered a list of elective courses, some of which may be offered in other study programmes of the Faculty. The courses are divided into elective groups that correspond to the modules (ECT and SI elective group of courses), whereby there is also a third group of elective courses OE (other engineering), which includes courses that may be of interest to engineers of various profiles. For both modules, minimum elective conditions are defined by course groups, so that additional guidance of students and their further training and profiling for work in the field of Electronics and computer engineering or in the field of Software engineering is carried out in an appropriate manner. Namely, in the seventh and eighth semesters, at least three courses are chosen that are offered in the module for which the student opts (ECT group of courses for Electronics and computer engineering, i.e. SI group of courses for Software engineering), while the remaining fourth course can be from the course group of the second module or from the OE group. All elective courses are worth 6 ECTS, although the choice of certain courses may be conditioned by appropriate prior knowledge prescribed by the conditions for attending classes in the chosen course.

A list of subjects is given in the Student Guide, and a more detailed description is available in the Course Book.

Final paper is the result of the student independent work, which systematises and applies scientific and professional knowledge in order to solve specific problems in the field of electrical and computer engineering. In this way, students prove their ability to draw appropriate conclusions, as well as their ability to present a certain material to the professional public. The point value of the final paper is 8 ECTS.
Comparability of study programme outcomes with relevant international models is the basis of the quality assurance strategy of the teaching process of the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac. The conditions for enrolling in the study programme and other most important elements of the study programme and study regime are prescribed by the Statute and Rulebook on the study regime of the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac.

Previous name of the study program: Computer engineering and software engineering

The study program of basic academic studies Computer technology and software engineering is accredited by the accreditation certificate of the Commission for accreditation and quality control number 612-00-00899/2017-06 dated 05/26/2017. years.

The study program lasts four years (240 ESPB) , belongs to the field of technical and technological sciences and gives the academic title "Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science".

Enrollment requirements: In the first year of basic academic studies, a person who has completed a four-year high school, who passes the entrance exam in mathematics and takes a place on the ranking list within the number of students approved by the University of Kragujevac and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, has the right to enroll. for enrollment in the first year of basic academic studies.

The conditions for enrolling in the study program and other most important elements of the study program and study regime are prescribed by the Statute and Rulebook on the regime of undergraduate and master's studies of the Faculty of Engineering.

In addition to taking the exam, it is also planned to carry out professional practice, as well as the preparation of the final paper.

The list of courses is given in the Student Guide , and a more detailed description is available in the Book of Courses .

Upon completion of basic studies in computer technology and software engineering, the expected learning outcomes are:
- knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts of electrical engineering, with broader knowledge within computer engineering at the level expected of engineers of this profile in EU countries;
- use of modern software tools, techniques and methodologies for solving problems in engineering practice;
- mastering acquired knowledge in the context of "knowledge as the ability to access information and its creative use";
- the ability to use acquired practical experience and modern tools for designing and documenting, both in the field of hardware and software;
- understanding of different approaches and methodologies of analysis and synthesis of systems, objects and processes, as well as reading and creating relevant technical documentation.

Contact Information

Faculty of Engineering          University of Kragujevac

Sestre Janjić street, no. 6 - 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

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