Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

The structure of the study program

The study program of doctoral studies entitled "Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management" contains all the elements defined by the law:

  1. the title and the objectives of the study program;
  2. the type of study and the outcome of the learning process;
  3. The scientific title;
  4. Requirements for admission to the program;
  5. a list of subjects with general information;
  6. teaching methodology;
  7. credits awarded for each course that are stated in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (hereinafter referred to as ECTS credits);
  8. he prerequisites for entry of individual subjects;
  9. the method of selecting courses from other study programs in the same or another university;
  10. conditions for transfer from other programs of study in the same or related field of study;
  11. other issues of importance to the implementation of the study program.

The content of the study program, study the rules, rights and obligations of students, as well as other issues of importance to the implementation of the study program are printed annually as a separate publication, which is available to the public in electronic form. The structure of the study program of doctoral studies "Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management" is a set of optional study - subjects with general content whose adoption provide the necessary knowledge and skills to acquire adequate level studies of the course.
Study curriculum lasts for 3 years, has 180 ECTS (50% of ECTS of which are for realization of doctoral dissertation), belongs to the field of technical-technological sciences and gives the academic title "Ph. D. in Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management". Conditions for enrolment to the study curriculum and other the most important elements of the study curriculum and regime of the studies are prescribed by the Statute of Faculty of engineering University of Kragujevac, the Rulebook of the doctoral academic studies of the Faculty of engineering and by the University Rulebook on students’ admission.
Study curriculum is individual. Each course that may be chosen by the student has 15 ECTS, each of them is structured through 5 classes of lectures and 5 classes of study research a week. By passing the exams, the students gain 90 ECTS. Teaching methods depend on the type of teaching: 1) active teaching, 2) student's independent work, 3) working on a doctoral dissertation, etc.
Active teaching is achieved through lectures and study research work. This teaching is achieved through constant contact between the students and the teachers. Lectures and consults are performed every week according to schedule.
Lectures are the form of teaching in which the teacher interprets course educational contents to a group of students.
Consults are performed individually or with the smaller group of students. At consults, the teacher is at exposal to the students, depending on their needs and interests for: giving teacher is at exposal to the students, depending on their needs and interests for: giving learning instructions, giving additional explanations regarding study research work with directing to proper use of references, etc.
Study research work encompasses all types of teaching that are in function of immediate qualifying of a student for research and writing scientific papers. These classes of active teaching enable the student to start working on a doctoral dissertation.
Mentorship is a form of active teaching in which the teacher-mentor is in contact with a student regarding the working on doctoral dissertation and publishing the achieved results.
Mentoring is generally carried out in three phases: initial phase, phase of implementation, and the final phase. For the mentor, in addition to the scientific field in which is the most competent, it is necessary to know well both, general and specific research methodology in the treated field.

Aim of study program

The aim of the study curriculum is to educate the students in the field of industrial engineering and engineering management at the level of doctoral academic studies, as well as to educate qualified human resources to independently lead original and scientifically relevant research and development of new technologies and procedures, contributing to general development of society and evaluating the research of the others. In general, the aim of the study curriculum of doctoral studies is development of science and critical thinking and is in accordance with mission and vision of the Faculty of engineering University of Kragujevac.
These studies have more and more important role regarding the demands of labour market because they give a final formal degree within the university education, which enables the students to perform the most complex scientific-research, control and engineering tasks. Demands for experts with high scientific-research level of competency, knowledge and skills are larger than before, both in the region and in Serbia, and it is clearly visible considering the scientific development of the Serbian industry in conditions of open global market.
Study curriculum has a purpose to provide education to the finished students for leading and the most complex tasks in industry, research, development, services, consulting and organization, that is - in the field of engineering and industrial management at high education institutions, institutes, state and other public institutions. Development of the significant part of industry and public activities department in the area oriented toward production, dominantly relies on researchers, scientists and experts of this profile. Thus, the more intensive development of this field will more strongly highlight the need for larger number of experts from the field of mechanical engineering.
Doctoral studies enable inclusion of perspective young experts into modem streams of technological development of society. Technological development should directly contribute to the increase of the levels of education and knowledge in all parts of society, which is of strategic national interest.
According to the stated facts, the purpose of the study program is to educate students and train them for high-quality and independent research work in compliance with the expressed and anticipated needs of the society. Through the education of such human resources, educated to critically evaluate the research of others and to maintain their original and relevant scientific research, the development of new technologies and processes that contribute to the overall social development is achieved, and in the same time, this make contribution to the development of science in Serbia and its integration into the global flows of knowledge and research.

Goals of study program

The aim of the study program is to educate professionals and researchers who have advanced contemporary knowledge, in line with the contemporary developments of scientific disciplines in the world.
The aim of the study program is to educate professionals in the relevant area and to develope "soft" skills such as teamwork and the ability of presentation and display their original scientific results to a wider scientific and professional community.
Goals of the study curriculum "Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management" of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac are:

  • to enable the students to develop analytical skills, critical way of thinking and leadership,
  • to support, in general, the development of scientific thought and creativity in the field of industrial engineering and engineering management,
  • for students, to acquire necessary, up-to-date knowledge form the scientific field of doctoral studies and to handle the methodologies for systematic and creative analysis of complex problems,
  • to qualify the students to, independent and team planning and realization of scientific research and further development of professional knowledge and skills,
  • to qualify the students for preparation and publishing of scientific results according to the highest standards,
  • to enable the students to actively participate at international and domestic research and development projects, so they can apply for projects independently, later,
  • to qualify the students for dissemination of knowledge and then results of scientific research - both, horizontally and vertically,
  • to qualify the students for integration of the latest scientific findings and new products and services

One of the specific goals, which is in line with the goals of education experts from the Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac, is raising awareness among students of the need for a personal contribution to the development of society as a whole.

Competencies of the graduated students

Students who complete the doctoral studies of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management will have the competence to conduct research and to solve real problems in practice. Competencies include, above all, the development of critical thinking, ability to analyse problems, synthesis of solutions and predict the behaviour of the selected solutions with a clear idea of what are good and bad sides. Competencies that students acquire are general, for this level of study and course-specific.
The finished students acquire a scientific title "Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management" and they are qualified for independent scientific research and have knowledge, skills, developed abilities and competencies:

  • to independently solve practical and theoretical problems from the narrow scientific field of their doctoral dissertation and to organize development and scientific research;
  • to include themselves in realization of international scientific projects;
  • to realize development of new technologies and procedures within their professional skills and to understand and use up-to-date knowledge in given scientific field;
  • to critically think and act creatively and independently;
  • to respect the principles of ethical codes of good scientific practice;
  • to communicate at the professional level in presenting scientific research results;
  • to be able to present the results at scientific conferences, to publish them in scientific journals, to present them through patents and new technical solutions;
  • to contribute to the development of scientific disciplines and of the science in general.

By overcoming the study curriculum, the student acquire the following course-specific competencies:

  • professional knowledge and skills in the context of the subject of doctoral dissertation and broader view on methodology of scientific-research in the field of technical-technological sciences,
  • ability to solve problems with the use of scientific method and procedures,
  • linking of basic knowledge form different fields and its application,
  • ability for independent scientific work and critical monitoring of scientific literature,
  • ability of independent acquirement of knowledge and understanding of important concepts in broader domain of engineering sciences (concepts of modeling, experimental, simulation and analytical analyses of complex problems, design and organization principles),
  • ability to follow modem achievements in the subject field,
  • acquiring intellectual skills:
    • development of analytical abilities,
    • adoption and application of methodology principles,
    • development of critical and scientific way of thinking,
    • ability to set a new and original research goal, etc.
  • acquiring practical skills:
    • skills in applying information-communication technologies;
    • presentation and communication skills;
    • skill in writing reports, project applications, etc.


Curriculum of doctoral studies of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management is presented in the Book of courses on doctoral studies industrial engineering and engineering management and it supply the students with detailed insight in structure, programs and outcomes regarding knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during studies. Curriculum of doctoral studies of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management includes defined goals and learning objectives, methods, situations and strategies, as well as scientific evaluations. The curriculum of this degree program is an important tool for ensuring a quality and equitable education.

A program of independent laboratory and research work, as well as a program of activities on realization and publishing of research results are given in the curriculum, together with basic courses for each field.

The study program of doctoral study, "Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management" includes six elective courses, independent research and work on doctoral dissertation.

Each course is worth 15 ECTS, while work on doctoral dissertation, together with independent research work, preparation and defending of doctoral dissertation are worth 90 ECTS.

A detailed description of the courses is given in the book of the courses which is on the site of the Faculty. By choosing the appropriate six courses from the list, a student is prepared for the research that will be the subject of his doctoral dissertation. All offered courses are formed in accordance with the ECTS rules. Selection of the courses and verification are defined in the Rulebook of the doctoral academic studies of the Faculty of engineering. It also defines the conditions related to the preparation of a doctoral dissertation.

According to the curriculum of the doctoral studies, all six courses are elective and in direct function of realization of selected doctoral dissertation.

Doctoral dissertation must have defined subject of scientific argument. Thus, it is necessary, in the phase of preparation, to do a detailed review of narrow field determining the subject of doctoral dissertation.

Doctoral dissertation is a result of independent scientific and research work of the student.

The student may propose the subject of doctoral dissertation after fulfilling the conditions given by study curriculum of the Faculty.

Candidate must give evidence of having published scientific and professional papers from the scientific field from which the subject of doctoral dissertation is selected in compliance with Law, rules of the Faculty of Engineering and University of Kragujevac (The application process, preparation and defence of the doctoral dissertation is defined in the Regulation on the application, preparation and defence of a doctoral dissertation, University of Kragujevac).

Doctoral dissertations is selected from the scientific field of the selected program of study. The candidate applies for doctoral dissertation, together with evidence of compliance with the requirements for registration, as it is determined by the study program. The applicant must submit proof that he has published scientific and technical papers, in its entirety, in the scientific field from which the subject of doctoral dissertations. Senate, after having acquired opinion of corresponding professional council or Council of the Faculty and according to procedure determined by the Statute of the Faculty, determines a Commission for evaluation of the subject of the doctoral dissertation. Procedure for application, realization and defending of doctoral dissertation is defied in The rulebook on application, realization and defending of doctoral dissertation of the University of Kragujevac.

Number of ECS for doctoral dissertation is included in the total number of 180 ECTS needed to finish doctoral studies.

One-half of ECTS anticipated for realization of doctoral studies applies to doctoral dissertation.

Book of courses

Book of teachers

Mentors book

Doctoral dissertation proposal submission

Report of the commission for the assessment of the scientific basis of the topic of the doctoral dissertation and the fulfillment of the requirements of the candidate and mentor


Contact Information

Faculty of Engineering          University of Kragujevac

Sestre Janjić street, no. 6 - 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

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